The ITAA Benevolent Fund was originally set up in 1993 by a group of travel agents. They knew of colleagues who had fallen on hard times and who had little or no support network. They decided to do something about that and set up the ITAA Benevolent Fund.
The purpose of the fund is to offer financial assistance to past and present ITAA members who are experiencing difficulties. Money is raised by donations from ITAA members, optional additional company contributions when renewing their annual ITAA subscription, proceeds from fundraising events and individual ad-hoc donations from generous named and anonymous benefactors.
Through the generosity of the Irish Travel Trade, and with the support, encouragement and assistance of the Irish Travel Agents Association, the ITAA Benevolent Fund has been able to help many fellow colleagues, in their time of need.
Typically, the Trustees are approached by a third party that knows of someone, who might need a helping hand. In the past 10 years alone, over €150,000 has been donated to needy travel industry colleagues. This is always done quietly and all dealings are handled in the strictest confidence. Every cent goes to help those who need it.
All work by the Trustees is done on a voluntary basis, on their own time and at their own expense.
If you would like to make a donation, please contribute by sending a cheque, payable to:
ITAA Benevolent Fund, and post it to ITAA Benevolent Fund, c/o Barry Walsh, 7 Braghan Point, Baltray, Co Louth.
Or directly by bank transfer to:
Account Name: ITAA Benevolent Fund
Account Number: 94900105
IBAN: IE78 BOFI 9000 8494 9001 05
There are many reasons why somebody reaches a point in their life when they are unable to keep on top of their day to day living expenses. Depression, serious illness of themselves, or a direct family member, insolvency, addiction etc.
The reason a person reaches this point in their life is not of importance, what is important is that they should be aware that the ITAA Benevolent Fund is there to provide support at a time when they most need it. Sometimes the assistance they receive from the fund can be the catalyst for them getting back on their feet again.
The ITAA Benevolent Fund is non-sectarian and non-judgemental. It is there to assist either current or past members of the Irish Travel Agents Association. Any person who has worked in a Travel Agency that is currently, or was previously a member of the ITAA, can apply for assistance regardless of age or time spent working in that agency.
Once we are made aware of a needy colleague, they are appointed a trustee or if they prefer, they can select who they would like to deal with from the seven board members. The trustee will then meet with the person to discuss their particular urgent needs and address them in whatever way possible.
It is very important to note that all of this work is carried out in the strictest confidence.
The ITAA Benevolent Fund is a registered charity and is audited on an annual basis.
If you know of a travel trade colleague who may benefit from financial assistance, which is provided confidentially to any current or past owner or employee of an agency who is, or was, a member of the Irish Travel Agents Association, then please contact one of the ITAA Benevolent Fund Trustees below:
Audrey Headon
Email: headonaudrey@gmail.com
Mobile: 087 284 7067
Barry Walsh
Email: barryjwalsh64@gmail.com
Mobile: 083 098 6756
Bepi Gaidoni
Email: bepi.gaidoni@bcdtravel.ie
Mobile: 087 742 7853
Des Abbot
Email: Des@datravel.ie
Mobile: 087 237 9070
Carrie Day
Email: carrie@ittn.ie
Mobile:087 192 8407
Frances Grogan
Email: frances@grogantravel.ie
Mobile: 087 241 5317
Marie Dilworth
Email: maria.dilworth@blackpooltravel.ie
Mobile: 086 826 0027